A.T.O.N.G Organization

Action Time On Needy Girls Organization

"Saving Hopes on Children"


(A.T.O.N.G-O) is an indigenous National Non-profit and Non-Governmental Organization, started by South Sudanese Young Nationals that saw a need to alleviate early marriage to both boys and girls through Education, Health and Food security practice for both children across South Sudan in regardless of their tribes or state

(A.T.O.N.G-O) is born as both humanitarian and development organization, committed to help vulnerable children whom lacks special needs through well wishes and donors with the same ideology in helping children with EDUCATION, HEALTH, FOOD SECURITY and DEVELOPMENT PROJECT that directly or indirectly focuses on children.

(A.T.O.N.G-O) was named after a mother called “ATONG” who died on a cross fire in Bor Jan 1991 fighting, leaving behind her daughter without a brother or a sister, since then, the girl grew up facing a lot of challenges giving her an ideology of forming a NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION to help her get an extended help to fill up the gap of all the children whom faced the same challenges in their life time

Strategic Blueprint

Our Objectives

(A.T.O.N.G-O) is to provide access to a better Education, Health and Food security to all children in needs and affected with trauma, then believes that we should be accountable to our partners and Donors supporting all the project by reporting the needed of all concern.


Help vulnerable Children achieve immediate and lasting change in order to manage and maintain their own health, education and well-being


A place where Children are Educated and healthy with a mindset of a Trauma Free.


To be a National Nongovernmental organization addressing education, healthcare, food security, and innovation development to all the children


“Saving Hopes on Children”


Organization Projects Areas of Focus

Our organization areas of focus include: Education projects, Health and WASH projects and Development project support

1. Education Projects

We thought of education first because of how helpful to the needy of children both boys/girls being vulnerable to education in the state and being left behind by their generation. We thought A.T.O.N.G-Organization Could help them through well-wishers and helpful donors that had seen the most important of education by giving them the below assets:
books, pens, rulers, pencils, rubbers, mathematical sets, and etc.

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01. Education

2. Health and WASH Projects

of course, with new environment, there are always changes in the immune health system.
The children that we are focusing at to educate, in time during the process of the study, they will be in need of health and hygiene attention, this is why A.T.O.N.G-Organization Is focus at empowering clinics and PHCC`s so that our children could always get their access to a clean water, adequate sanitation and medication to help at nearby places through:

  • # PHCC`s Beddings.
  • # Common Anti-biotic.
  • # providing Mosquito nets.
  • # Development projects

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02. Health & WASH

3. Development Project Support

A.T.O.N.G-Organization is not forgetting the support of teachers that have given their dedication to serve in education program, they are being encourage to continue their dedication through appreciation in kind to help pupils and students understands the meaning of education. If the funding could allow, then there should be NO hesitation on development project such as:

  • Building the classrooms.
  • Improving the hygiene and sanitation at the schools.
  • Improve the local restrooms to pupils or students.

To have all the story short, having an MoU with ministry of Education, is quite essential to A.T.O.N.G-Organization.

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03. Development Projects

Our Core Values

below are the set of ethics and guiding principles that govern our decision making and actions

Care and Concern

We show care and concern for the well-being of our staff and all people we serve, be it the children, well wishes and our donors at large.


We do our work with expertise having knowledge and skills.


We maintain a high standard of ethics and manage resources responsibly.


We treat everyone with a high level of respect in regardless of their well-being, age, gender and backgrounds


We are committed to do our best delivery of our donors expectation at any given project.


We work collaboratively and respectfully with other service providers and our partners are the fundamental key to our success of implementation


Transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of the accountability are the measure to our performance, which it has to be a key security to our donors TRUST

Bring Hope to South Sudan's Children

With your donation, we’re providing quality education, essential healthcare, and sustainable community development to transform lives. Join us in creating lasting change—donate today and be the spark of hope these children need.

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Find out More About Us

our guiding policies, company structure and more..

Policies Guiding Us

Our policies range from child protection policy, financial policy, gender equality policy...

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Company Structure

Board of Directors, Executive Director, Operations Director, Program Director, ...

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Let's talk about saving hopes of children.

Our Location

Main Office: next to Aron Hotel, Juba, Republic of South Sudan.



+211 923 444 475

+211 927 774 424

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